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Emma Watson vs Twitter!

Emma Watson vs Twitter!
Emma Watson is angry with fake Twitter posts suggesting she is going to university in America
Twitter may be the social networking phenomenon du jour, but Harry Potter star Emma Watson is not a fan.
The 18-year-old is unhappy about reports which emerged suggesting that she had told her fans on Twitter that she had decided to go to Yale University in the US.
A statement on her official website said: "There have been several rumours spreading recently that Emma has accepted a place at Yale University after 'telling her fans via her Twitter account'.
"Emma does not have a Twitter account and these rumours are false. Emma is still trying to decide whether she wants to attend university in the UK or the USA and hasn't accepted any placements at this time."
So if you come across any Emma Watsons on Twitter, beware!
The star is hoping to combine her studies with acting, a feat pulled off by Natalie Portman a few years ago when she did a psychology degree at Harvard while filming the Star Wars trilogy.
Watson said last year: "I've applied to a few universities for next year, including several American ones. If I do go there I will do a liberal arts degree, but if I stay in the UK I'll do English Literature."
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